Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Leadership Style
My leadership style is based on who I am as a person, my values, professional and educational experiences, and what inspires/motivates me to achieve personal goals. I feel my leadership style is mainly democratic with a splash of innovation incorporated. This leadership style can be seen in both professional (more so) and in educational forums where I have demonstrated such characteristics as encouraging team members to influence/participate in decisions, open communication and collaboration with peers, lead by example, and focus on the team and share accomplishments and achievements. From a innovative leadership style, I embrace change and understand it to be a key variable in the formula of being a successful leader and I am always thinking new ideas and approaches to create value and address critical issues. My personal values strongly align to such leadership styles as I do put a high emphasis in collaboration, team decision making, shared recognition, and innovation. My engineering and program management background has provided 1st hand insight in the importance in executing to personal/company goals. I feel it is key to include all team members in the decision making process as everyone will feel as they are part of overall program and will drive synergy and passion. If team members do not feel involved, it can pose great challenges as the passion or new ideas will not be visible or pursued which will have an overall negative impact to the efforts.

Great Leader
One person who I admire greatly and enjoy reading about his experiences is of the greatest business leaders, Jack Welch.  His leadership style catapulted General Electric to one of the greatest companies today. As a great communicator and ability to empower and motivate others, he was able to tap into the potential of is people to achieve great things. His focus on teamwork, mutual trust, and recognition, enabled him to inspire 300,000 employees to change behaviors and accelerate growth in many markets.  Another aspect of Jack’s vision was his focus on innovative thinking as he understood the importance of change and the competitive advantage which it can enable. His famous quotes of “Control your own destiny or someone else will” and “Change before you have to” highlight the importance and his relentless drive to stay ahead of the competition.


I feel that I am an extroverted and a trustworthy person which allows me to interact  with people in a positive and beneficial way. Being extroverted allows me to communicate confidently (be opinionated), influence, and build high number of relationships to accomplish personal and professional goals. A good interaction tool which I learned in a previous course is the art of small talk as it provides a common topic which allows you to start a dialog with anyone.By using such topics as the weather, sports, or technology, it helps building a level of trust and confidence amongst people in a forum and persuade people to participate and get involved, which is always positive. With this, I feel it has a positive affect around the team I worked with.

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