Innovation Through Acquisition
I feel the new approach for large companies is to acquire innovation and avoid the capital and uncertainty in supporting such projects to create or enter new industries. By letting start up companies or entrepreneurs dedicate their energy in developing a new technology and building a successful business model, it allows a large companies monitor such activities and look for the clear winner in a maturing market segment and acquire them. This avoids the uncertainty regarding innovation and sinking capital into such innovative ideas that you do not have the appropriate culture/people to be successful in.
We see this activity commonly used in the IT industry and continuous to gain more and more momentum. EMC Corporation (I am employed by) transformed the data storage industry with the introduction of visualization/cloud computing, data analytics, and data duplication. These innovative products were not developed within the engineering teams at EMC (we actually tried, but unable to gain considerable share) but were acquired through companies such as VMware, Isilon, and Data Domain. It has been a great success and has proved a model allow large companies to leverage their capital in such away to become risk adverse.